Ruth Gilmour,
1990, Scotland
I am currently undertaking a PhD in artistic research at the Royal College of Art in London. Working from my home studio, I explore the materiality of silk to contribute towards health and healing discourses, within the broader fields of applied and contemporary art practice.
2024-2030: PhD candidate: School of Arts and Humanities, (Jonathan Boyd and Alice Butler) Royal College of Art, London
2020: MFA: Jewellery Art, (Yuka Oyama and Karin Johansson) HDK-Valand, Gothenburg, Sweden
2017: First class BA [Hons w/distinction]: Silversmithing and Jewellery, (Jonathan Boyd) Glasgow School of Art, Scotland
2023: Manoeuvering Fibres, Bladr, Copenhagen
2020: Frayed Bodies, Bredegrund 1, Copenhagen
2018: Material Bodies, New Glasgow Society, Glasgow
2018: Material Bodies, DSKD, Denmark
2025: RCA Research Biennale 2025, Royal College of Art, London
2023: The Biennale for Craft and Design, Copenhagen Contemporary, Denmark
2023: AWN,Øens Have, Copenhagen, Denmark
2022: Caring Futures, Sølvberget Library and Cultural Centre, Norway
2022: Talente, Internationale Handwerkmesse, Munich, Germany
2021-2022: Textile Art of Today, Triennial of Textile; Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava-Cunovo Slovak Republic; Tatra Gallery, Poprad, Slovak Republic; The Museum of Moravian Slovakia, Uherske Hradiste, Czech Republic; Pesti Vigadó Gallery, Budapest, Hungary; Museum Historyczne, Bielsko-Biala, Poland
2021-2022: The Euopean Prize of Applied Arts, WCC-Europe, Belgium; CCAM, Barcelona
2021: The Art Prize,Ashurts HQ, London
2021: Spiritus, Michael Weihe Gallery, Copenhagen
2020, MFA degree show, Gothenburg (online)
2019: Bodies in Alliance/Bodies in Defiance, Rotor Gallery, Gothenburg, Sweden
2019, Myth, Misfortune, Horror and Luck,Glasshuset, Gothenburg
2019: Hemma Gone Wild, curated by Svensk Form and Joyn Studio for Milan Design Week, Brera Design District, Milan
2019: A Second Ago... Stockholmsmässan,Stockholm Furniture Fair, Stockholm
2017: Making It Now, curated by Gregory Parsons, Ruthin Craft Centre, The Centre for the Applied Arts, Wales
2017: Materialise, Fife Contemporary, Online
2017, Great Northern Graduates, Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair, Manchester, UK
2017: Introducing, North Land Creative, Caithness, Scotland
2017: New Designers, Business Design Centre Islington, London
2017: Degree show, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland
2016: Elements, Lyon and Turnbull, Edinburgh, Scotland
2016, Feminist Strategies, A-venue, Gothenburg
2021: The Museum of Loss and Renewal, Taking Time Residency, Italy
2017-2018: Designskolen Kolding,Artist in Residence, Denmark
2016: HDK-Valand, Exchange Student, Gothenburg
2024: Working Grant,Statens Kunstfond,Denmark
2023: Acquisition of Manoeuvering Fibres I, II, III & IIII, Statens Kunstfond, Denmark
2023: Project Grant (Visual Art/Craft & Design), Statens Kunstfond, Denmark
2022: Finalist for The European Prize for Applied Arts, WCC-Europe, Belgium
2022: Finalist for the Talente Prize, Internationale Handwerksmesse, Munich
2021: Working grant, Statens Kunstfond, Denmark
2021: The Visual Arts and Crafts Makers Award, Creative Scotland
2020: Project Grant, Theodor and Mannheimers Foundation, Sweden
2020: Travel Grant, Adlerbertska Foundation Grant, Sweden
2019: Travel Grant, Estrid Ericsons Stiftelse, Sweden
2019 & 2018: Dewar Arts Award, Scotland
2017: Distinction, Forum for Critical Enquiry, Glasgow School of Art, Scotland
2017: Exceptional craft graduate award, Fife Contemporary Art & Craft, Scotland
Gilmour, R, Loose Gatherings, #11 . Care, Issue 30, pp.20-21: eSharp, Autumn 2022.
Olivia Spring, SICK magazine, volume 3, UK, 2021
Gilmour, R, ed Katherine Townsend. Mattering and making ethics: On craft, embodiment and vulnerable materialities. Craft Research, 11(1), pp.115-127: Intellect Books, 2020.
Gilmour, R. Material Bodies. Self published: Glasgow, Scotland 2018
A&E collective, But there is no land near the end, Glasgow, 2018
Gilmour, R. Nothing is Solid. Self published: Glasgow, 2017
2021-2024: HDK-Valand
2023: Haxthaüser Hof Schmucksymposium, Germany
2023: Kunsthøjskolen i Holbæk, Denmark